HackBack with Apache and PHP (redirect back)
Are you bored of hackig-attempts to your server, and you want to fight back?
I collect some opportunities here.
Step 1: Getting real client IP address in PHP
If you realise that someone wants to check your server for specific PHP-files (like ...) create a dummy config.php file where you can start your fightback.
Use these functions (copy&paste) to save the attackers IP in a PHP-variable $IP = function() to fight back directly or write attackers IP to MySQL Database for logging reasons:
With this function in your script you can fill the $IP variable:
$IP = get_client_ip_server();
Step 2: Get Port Number from client
Fill the $PORT variable:
Step 3: Redirect attacker back to himself
Use $IP and $PORT to send back: If attacker opens the php file, he will be redirected to his own IP and Port.
header("Location: ".$IP.":".$PORT."");
Of course, you can also change the redirection to any other URL you like. For example to the policia or to servers of other hackers so that they can assist you :) .
Step 4: Scan open Ports on the Attackers machine
In this step you can scan the open ports on the attacking IP:
You just have to modify the script, by deleting the "Form" on top, and replace the $_POST variabe with the $IP variable you have filled in step 1:
change this line: if($pf = @fsockopen($IP, $port, $err, $err_string, 1)) {
If you open your .php file you should see something like:
Port 21 (ftp): Inaccessible
Port 22 (ssh): Inaccessible
Port 23 (telnet): Inaccessible
Port 25 (smtp): Inaccessible
Port 53 (domain): Inaccessible
Port 80 (http): Inaccessible
Port 110 (pop3): Inaccessible
Port 1433 (ms-sql-s): Inaccessible
Port 3306 (mysql): Inaccessible
or - if you test from a server - you should have at least Port 80 (http): OK.
Now you know which ports a accessible on the attackers machine. You should comment-out the "echo" lines, so that the output will not be visible.
And you should fill a new array only with the open ports under line "if($val) {" for further backhacking:
$OpenPorts = array();
$OpenPorts[] = $ports;