Welcome to Terragon-Multimedia
Terragon-Multimedia is a private portfolio and a private test platform to experiment with different media types like photo, music, video, 3D and programming.
Terragon-Multimedia is a non-commercial project and has no financial interest.
All content is under copyright law and may not be downloaded or copied without written allowance by Terragon-Multimedia.
Have fun browsing through this site!
Whats the meaning of Multimedia?
Terragon-Multimedia: The name “Terragon-Multimedia” stands for the connection between these different types of media.
Programming: Programming of interactive tools, calculations, configurators, websites and web-based applications.
3D-Design: 3D modelling, sculpting, lightning, texturing, rendering and animating.
Music: Production of songs and soundtracks including songwriting, recording, producing and mastering.
Photography: Taking photos, retouching and printing.
Video: Writing scripts, recording, cutting, adding digital effects and music.